
The type of Singing Bowl Sound File that best suits you depends on what you want to accomplish. If you are looking to dissolve pain and dysfunctional patterns in your life, you may want to look at the Dissolving and Restructuring Package. If you have already cleared away these physical and emotional discomforts and are looking toward the future, then you may want to look at the Earth, Ocean, and Cosmos Package.

If you are looking at moving obstacles in your life to be able to achieve your dreams, then the Removing Obstacles Package is perfect for you. Maybe you want to find a little Boost of Energy and some Balance in your life, then the Boost and Balance Package is for you.

If you want to break up old chronic patterns, then Shredding to Soothe will be a big help. If life seems to overwhelm you or you have to deal with toxic situations, then Shielding and Protection will help you.

Purchase single sound files or sound file packages in the online shop.

Scroll down for detailed descriptions of Bill’s Singing Bowl Sound Files, and see our FAQ section below for answers to frequently asked questions.

Singing Bowl Sound Files

Dissolving and Restructuring Package (7 files)

The Dissolving and Restructuring Package is meant to help you with the specific areas in your life holding you back. This package enables you to dissolve chronic conditions, get rid of old resentments, quit doing the same old pattern, and basically helps you get “unstuck.” Once you have dissolved whatever is holding you back, you will have space to restructure and create a better future.

Out of the seven sound files, listen first to the one that corresponds to the specific emotional content causing pain or dysfunction in your life until you feel a shift. Often there will be more than one area you will need to work on dissolving. It is best to pick the area that is most difficult to start with and then work on the other areas, dissolving each area. Once all the areas that are holding you back are cleared, you will have the space to create your heart’s desire. This package is so useful because you have all seven sound files on hand to use when needed.

Sound File No. 1 — Lack of Confidence, Not Being Present

  • Is it hard to make decisions?
  • Do you often second guess yourself?
  • Do you live in a fog?
  • Do you often space out and miss what is happening around you?

Sound File No. 2 — Pain, Lack of Success, Lack of Money

  • Do you push opportunities away?
  • Do you have chronic pain?
  • Are you often worried about paying the bills?
  • Does it seem like good things pass you by?

Sound File No. 3 — Anger, Confusion, Mental Exhaustion, Weight Issues

  • Do you frequently get upset about things that happened in the past?
  • Are you overwhelmed when faced with multiple choices?
  • Do you struggle with your weight?
  • Are you upset or sad at yourself for your weight issues?
  • Is it all just too much?

Sound File No. 4 — Fear, Worry, Insomnia, Anxiety

  • Is everywhere you look full of bad news?
  • Is the world coming to an end?
  • Is it hard to turn your mind off?
  • Have you lost your faith in humanity?

Sound File No. 5 — Depression, Grief, Shame, Jealousy

  • Is someone out to “get” you?
  • Do you walk around feeling “flat”?
  • Do you resent others having what you want?
  • Do you feel like you are a mistake?

Sound File No. 6 — Guilt, Physical Tiredness, Self-Denial, Unworthiness

  • Is it hard to pick up your body and move it around?
  • Do you feel “heavy”?
  • When something positive happens, do you push it away?
  • Do you replay your past mistakes in your mind?

Sound File No. 7 — Self-Hate, Shock, Feeling Unlovable, Numb

  • Would the world be better off without you?
  • Have you given up thinking are you ever going to fit in or make a difference?
  • Do you walk around outside of your body (feeling disconnected)?
  • Do you space out for hours at a time?

The Dissolving and Restructuring Package is only $88. Buy now!

Earth, Ocean, and Cosmos Package (3 files)

The Earth, Ocean, and Cosmos Package is meant to be used after you have cleared away your dysfunctional patterns and pain. At this point, you are ready to start bringing your heartfelt desires into your life. You now have space in your life to manifest these dreams. Think about what you really want, set your intention, and listen to the corresponding Sound File. Remember the universe is looking out for you and will only bring in things to your life that is for your highest good.

Earth Sound File — Useful for anything physical that you touch or touches you, such as clothes, home, car, money, food, and relationships.

Ocean Sound File  Useful for anything emotional and anything that you feel.

Cosmos Sound File — Useful for any thought, idea, or concept that you want to manifest.

The Earth, Ocean, and Cosmos Sound Files for $66. Buy now!

Removing Obstacles Package (3 files)

Removing Obstacles Package has been specially designed to help you remove obstacles and obsolete, chronic patterns from your life. By releasing the energy of past relationships, you will be ready to move forward with grace and ease. These three sound files can be used in any order.

Cutting Cords Sound File When a relationship becomes toxic due to a myriad of reasons, it’s useful to cut the cords of dysfunction and clear the toxicity so you can reorient yourself. This sound file helps when you are overly attached to a person or outcome and is useful for obsession, especially to people, helping you to let go of the past.

Feeling Needy Sound File It’s so easy to fall into the trap of old limiting beliefs and patterns. This sound file helps you to morph your neediness into confidence. It is also great for feelings of insecurity.

Resolving Heartache Sound File We all want connections: it’s a basic human need. This sound file helps you feel whole, connected, and full instead of empty and emotionally bleeding.

The Removing Obstacles Package is only $66. Buy now!

Boost and Balance Package (2 files)

The Boost and Balance Package is a great package to help give you a lift and to balance you. When you are feeling low, out of sorts, confused, or just not right, the boost sound file is a quick way to bring you back to normal. It will give you a “boost” of energy and help you get back into the flow. The balance sound file will help you get focused, calm, and centered. Using these sound files together is a powerful way to keep the energetic connections flowing in a positive direction in your life.

Boost Sound File Helps you feel a burst of energy when you are feeling down.

Balance Sound File Balances up all of the chakras.

The Boost and Balance Package is only $33. Buy now!

Shredding to Soothe Sound File

The Shredding to Soothe Sound File is a dynamic tool. When you are cemented in a state of anxiety, upset, or anger and can’t seem to move the emotion or the pain, this is a negative thought loop. All you are doing is hashing over the same thing, and it feels like a never-ending pattern. When this occurs, listening to the shredding sound file will help. This sound file relieves confusion and mental pain. It gets you out of the negative thought loop and allows you to move through the issue. Once things begin to move, you can start to see the other side and get momentum for healing your wounds.

Shredding to Soothe Sound File Breaks up old, chronic, stuck patterns, and also shreds entities.

Shredding to Soothe is only $22. Buy now!

Shielding and Protection Sound File

Shielding and Protection Sound File This sound file is useful for sensitives when going out in public and exposed to the misaligned energy of others. Listen before or after exposure to crowds or use it when you need your own space. It helps repel unwanted attention. It is also an effective way to protect you from toxic connections and interactions.

Shielding and Protection is only $33. Buy now!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Sound File?

A sound file is a powerful tool for healing. It is a short recording of the Ancient Tibetan Singing Bowls that targets your emotional body. Everything happens on an emotional level, and if there is any dysfunction at this level, mental and physical pain will occur. Listening to sound files will take the energy that is “stuck” in your system and dissolve it, which allows your body to balance itself.

Who Benefits from Sound Files?

Sound files have great success with people who have pain in their lives. This pain can be mental pain operating as confusion; emotional pain operating as a lack of heartfelt connections; or physical pain operating in our lives that keeps us from moving forward. Pain does a great job of keeping us broken in some way, so we don’t experience the fullness of connections, synchronicities, serendipities, and the magical life.

Pain is the energy that calcifies our body and our mind and our life. Ask this question — Where in my life or my body does the flow of energy slow down, move to a crawl, or stop? This is why I was guided to create sound files using the Ancient Tibetan Singing Bowls. The sound from the bowls decalcifies those areas that we are bogged down in or immobilized from moving forward and creating in this life.

Using the vibrations, tones, and light,  Ancient Singing Bowls are able to atomize and dissolve calcifications holding us hostage. The releasing of these calcified areas allows us to move forward and activate our own Divine Blueprint. This Divine Blueprint is the spark of divine life that we were given at birth and that we often disconnect with as we move through life. When we return to our own divine blueprint anything and everything is possible!

How Is a Sound File Used?

Sound files are easy to use. Each is 5 to 7 minutes in length and is an MP3 recording downloadable to your phone, tablet, computer, or other devices. Listen to the sound file once or twice a day and began to notice how small synchronistic events will start to happen in your life.

What Does a Sound File Sound Like?

Listen to the Strength From Within sound file on YouTube.